Thursday 18 June 2015

A tree no more

 there aren't an awful lot of trees in Orkney. but we have a few. They were planted about 20 years ago and we are sheltered enough from the prevailing Westerlies that they got established.

But there was one  that was a bit too close to the house. All we would need is a really good-going winter storm and it may end up in the roof. So we decided that is would ( sadly) have to go

Of course there may be a tree surgeon in Orkney. Google doesn't say there isn't, but if you look closely at the most likely result  -  - it doesn't actually say so . It looks like a little computer program that puts a placename into a standard web page  - try it .



 So an afternoon was spent with a ladder and a saw.

Next Years' firewood

Now you see it

 now you don't

So we will leave it to coppice . its still tall enough to offer some protection from the Winter Westerlies

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