Sunday 28 June 2015

Farewell, Gotlands

We've finally decided that the Gotlands aren't right for here.  They are known to have a tendency to develop foot problems and round here, especially this winter it has been really wet which has exacerbated their problems and we have had almost weekly issues wth catching  one of the , inspecting their feet, spraying the cuts , grazes and sores with   antiseptic.
And there is someone in Deerness who would like some black sheep. And Deerness is likely to be a bit drier than here.

So a  rounding-up and a loading up

 and then take them to  Deerness , the East side of mainland Orkney .

Delivered to their new home . ( Reversing the trailer is quite an art)
 And they will spend the first few days inside .

The lamb in the photo is going , eventually , once weaned, to the Transalpine Redemptorist Monks on Papa Stronsay.

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