Monday 8 June 2015

Air Fares

We've had our transport problems in the past - cancelled and delayed flights due to the weather or due to the fact that the  SAAB 340  planes that they use were last built in 1998, and so have been kept going ever since.

And we have noticed the eye-wateringly high fares that the manage to charge.  Of course they can - its a monopoly supplier on an essential air route.
And when you add 'dynamic airline pricing' its not surprising that Islanders get ripped off.
Dynamic Airline pricing :
Which is more likely - finding a businessman who must got to the destination tomorrow and will pay £250 for the privilege , or 25  visitors who will pay £10 each.
So they take advantage of the fact  that they have a monopoly.

So the Facebook page

9000+ likes so far.
And we need to tweet @flybe daily to  make them aware of the numbers of supporters it has

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