Sunday 14 June 2015

Sunday Afternoon

 Of course sunday afternoons are for cutting the grass.
So I did. And it's only the 2nd time Ive had to cut this particular bit this year .

 So 1/3 of the way through.

There is a bit more to do , but there were a few obstructions who were in the way. And as it was a nice afternoon, and that bit isn't too long,  and it would need the sit-on lawnmower, i thought i would leave it for another time

But I also had  few other jobs to do .

Erect a barrier to stop the sheep exploring round the hen house, making a mess and getting in the way, whilst leaving enough space  for the hens to get in and out .

And the final job was to bury a chicken that we found had died in the night,

Just a normal sunday afternoon really.

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