Monday 9 June 2014

BA and the missing flight

The missing flight ? 

Flying from Orkney to anywhere outside Scotland  involves 2 flights.

Flybe go to Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness.  So to go to eg London  involves 2 flights, usually Kirkwall (KOI) to Aberdeen (ABZ) and then ABZ to London (LON).

And its convenient that its possible to book from KOI to LON , all through the BA website.

And here is a recent booking

The email acknowledgement  is this : The subject line is the  KOI - ABZ flight .

 So where has the ABZ-LON flight gone ? Its here , listed in the Itinerary

And the same thing happens when I log into my BA account  and see what I've booked .

I don't want to 'Manage My Booking ' , I want to verify that the flights I think I have booked ( and paid for) . Nevertheless , its the only link to follow  and if I then go on to 'Manage my booking', its all there.

So I think its OK. What's going to happen when online check-in opens ?

Online check-in available for  the KOI -ABZ flight ?  Probably
Online check-in available for the ABZ-LON flight ? Have a guess.

And what do you think will happen for the return flight ?

Watch this space.

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