Monday 30 June 2014


The sun sets late in this part of the world at this time of the year -  not quite a day without a sunset, but very nearly. Last night   was a clear night - the first i think we have had since the longest day , so I went outside with a camera and took are series of photos , starting looking over the Bay  of Isbister  with the Island of Shapinsay  behind it and the light of the Shapinsay lighthouse, with in the distance  the receding lights from the ferry on its way from Kirkwall to Lerwick .

 And then as you look round to the North towards Rousay, the sun is just  starting to become visible. It won't officially rise for another couple of hours

Of course the corollary of this is that at the end of December its dark until  after 9am and the sun sets at 3pm.

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